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Playstation 3 - theme editor

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Tia, można robić już własne skórki do ps3

ściągacie PS3 theme ediotr:

a potem wystarczy tylko umiejętność edycji obrazków png =]

Update: marcinpsx3 mnie uprzedził, aczkolwiek oficjalnego tematu nie było więc go zostawiam a tutaj link do poradnika Theme Editor przetłumaczonego właśnie przez marcina:

Wklejam tekst z pliku Readme, żeby przybliżyć wam ocb:


Theme compiler for PLAYSTATION?3 Version 1.01

Copyright ? 2007 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.

All Rights Reserved.

About This Program

p3tcompiler.exe is a program that creates PLAYSTATION?3 theme files

from XML and applicable data files. It runs on Windows.

Building a Theme File with p3tcompiler

Either type the following at the command prompt:

p3tcompiler.exe sample\01\sample.xml

or drag-and-drop an XML file onto the p3tcompiler.exe icon.

A theme file with file extension "p3t" will be created.


1. Place the theme file in the /PS3/THEME/ directory of a Memory Stick

or USB storage, and connect it to PLAYSTATION?3.

2. Select "Settings" > "Theme Settings" > "Theme" in the system software

and install a theme file from the recording media.

3. Select "Settings" > "Theme Settings" > "Theme" in the system

software again. A list of theme files will be shown in the option menu.

4. Select a theme file and "Apply". This theme will be applied to the


Scripting the XML File

The elements that can be written in the XML file are described below.


Root element.

It has no attributes.

<infotable>, <info>, <localizedinfo>

Elements for storing information of the theme file.

<localizedinfo> has information specific to a language.

<info> has information common to all languages.

The attributes that can be specified for both <info> and

<localizedinfo> are as follows.

name Theme name

icon Theme icon (64x64, 32-bit PNG)

url URL indicating the distributor of the theme

author Author

authoricon Author icon (64x64, 32-bit PNG)

genre Theme genre (string)

version Theme version (string)

comment Theme comment (string)

preview Preview image (480x270, 24-bit PNG)

<localizedinfo> must have a "locale" attribute to specify the


jp Japanese

en English

fr French

es Spanish

de German

it Italian

nl Dutch

pt Portuguese

ru Russian

ko Korean

zh_t Chinese (traditional)

zh_s Chinese (simplified)

fi Finnish

sv Swedish

da Danish

no Norwegian

<icontable>, <icon>

Elements for storing the system software icons.

The attributes that can be specified for <icon> are as follows.

id ID indicating the icon type

src Icon image

The IDs that can be specified for the "id" attribute are as


System Software (Row)

icon_user Users

icon_setting Settings

icon_photo Photo

icon_music Music

icon_video Video

icon_game Game

icon_network Network

icon_friend Friends

icon_tv TV

System Software (Column)

icon_newuser Create New User

icon_update System Update

icon_game_setting Game Settings

icon_bdvd_setting BD/DVD Settings

icon_music_setting Music Settings

icon_chat_setting Chat Settings

icon_system_setting System Settings

icon_theme_setting Theme Settings

icon_datetime_setting Date and Time Settings

icon_accessory Accessory Settings

icon_printer_setting Printer Settings

icon_display_setting Display Settings

icon_sound_setting Sound Settings

icon_security_setting Security Settings

icon_remoteplay_setting Remote Play Settings

icon_network_setting Network Settings

icon_setting_item (Settings submenu item)

icon_photo_default (Photo default icon)

icon_photo_album_default (Photo album default icon)

icon_music_default (Music default icon)

icon_music_album_default (Music album default icon)

icon_video_default (Video default icon)

icon_video_album_default (Video album default icon)

icon_mediaserver_search Search for Media Servers

icon_ms Memory Stick

icon_cf SD Memory Card

icon_sd Compact Flash

icon_usb USB Device

icon_pspms Memory Stick of PSP(PlayStation?Portable)

icon_usbcamera Digital Camera

icon_usbaad ATRAC Audio Device

icon_gamedata Game Data Utility

icon_vmc Memory Card Utility (PS/PS2)

icon_savedata Save Data Utility

icon_newvmc New Internal Memory Card

icon_onlinemanual Online Instruction Manuals

icon_remoteplay Remote Play

icon_browser Internet Browser

icon_download Download Management

icon_accountmanage Account Management

icon_blocklist Block List

icon_addfriend Add a Friend

icon_playermet Player Met

icon_chat Start New Chat

icon_chatroom Chat Room

icon_mbox Message Box

icon_mbox_received Received

icon_mbox_sent Sent

icon_mbox_create Create Message

Default Icons

icon_default_h Image used for icons in row

when there is no specified image

icon_default_v Image used for icons in column

when there is no specified image

Icon images are generally 128x128, 32-bit PNG images, except for

the following.



170x128, 32-bit PNG



228x128, 32-bit PNG

<pointertable>, <pointer>

Elements for storing the pointer (mouse cursor) image.

The attributes that can be specified for <pointer> are as follows.

id ID indicating the pointer type

src Pointer image

base_x X coordinate of the pointer hotspot

base_y Y coordinate of the pointer hotspot

The IDs that can be specified for the "id" attribute are as


pointer_arrow Default state

pointer_finger Pointing to a clickable object

pointer_click Clicking

pointer_hand Pointing to a draggable object

pointer_grab Dragging

pointer_pen Pointing to an object accepting text input

The pointer image is a 48x48, 32-bit PNG image.

base_x, base_y specify the hotspot in the pointer image.

The coordinate system ranges from top left (0,0) to

bottom right (48,48).


Element for storing the image of the notification window frame.

The attributes that can be specified for <notification> are as


src Image of the frame of the notification window

This image is a 64x64, 32-bit PNG image.

<bgimagetable>, <bgimage>

Elements for storing the background image.

<bgimagetable> can have a maximum of 16 <bgimage> images.

The attributes that can be specified for <bgimage> are as follows.

hd Background image used when the aspect ratio is 16:9

(1920x1080 JPEG)

sd Background image used when the aspect ratio is 4:3

(640x480 JPEG)


Element for specifying the font type.

The attributes that can be specified for <font> are as follows.

selection Integer value (0 - 2) indicating the font type

The values specified to "selection" have the following meanings.

0 Default font

1 Japanese: Maru Gothic

Korean, Chinese: Default font

Other languages: Rounded

2 Japanese: Pop

Korean, Chinese: Default font

Russian: Rounded

Other languages: Rimouski


Element that specifies the theme color

The attributes that can be specified with <color> are as shown below.

selection: Integer value (0 - 12) indicating the theme color

The values specified to "selection" have the following meanings.

0: Default theme color (changes by date and time. )

1-12: Fixed color

About the Sample

An example of an XML file is provided. The filename is sample.xml.


Permission and Restrictions on Use


The permission and restrictions on using this software conform to

the contract concluded between your company and our company (Sony

Computer Entertainment Inc).


Note on Trademarks


"PLAYSTATION" is a registered trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.

All other product and company names mentioned herein, with or without

the registered trademark symbol ? or trademark symbol , are

generally registered trademarks and/or trademarks of their respective


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Gość ProroK
  pawlos26 napisał:
to wszystko juz bylo i nawet marcinpsx3 przetlumaczyl dzienx

hmm to przepraszam, ale tematu nie widzę, więc kontynuuje wątek, sprawdziłem sample, zrobiłem plik p3t wsadziłem na memorystick -> PS3/Theme zainstalowałem na ps3, i mym oczom ukazał się ładny styl, teraz pobawić się troszeczkę w fotoszopie i można stworzyć sobie, co się żywnie podoba :0

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  ProroK napisał:
hmm to przepraszam, ale tematu nie widzę, więc kontynuuje wątek, sprawdziłem sample, zrobiłem plik p3t wsadziłem na memorystick -> PS3/Theme zainstalowałem na ps3, i mym oczom ukazał się ładny styl, teraz pobawić się troszeczkę w fotoszopie i można stworzyć sobie, co się żywnie podoba :0

A troche się trzeba "pobawić", żeby coś dobrze wyszło. Tyle plików edytować, żeby jakoś wyglądało.

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Gość ProroK
  jedwym napisał:
A troche się trzeba "pobawić", żeby coś dobrze wyszło. Tyle plików edytować, żeby jakoś wyglądało.

Niedługo pewnie ludzie zaczną masowo to tworzyć, będzie na stronkach tyle themów dostępnych, że głowa rozboli :0

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W screeny sie nie bawilem jest podstawowy ale sciagnij i zobacz Super jest

Nie bojcie sie sciagac nie ma tam nie wiem czego

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zassałem Arczi, i nie powiem fajny fajny podoba mi sie 4/6

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