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CoD: Ghosts - wreszcie patch, który przynosi duże zmiany

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W dniu 27-01-2014 został opublikowany patch na PC oraz Xbox 360 i Xbox One. Posiadacze konsol Sony będą musieli poczekać na swoją poprawkę do dn. 29 stycznia. Poprawek jest dosyć sporo, może wreszcie producent wziął się do pracy?

Poniżej lista wprowadzanych zmian.




Killstreak count maintained across rounds in Search and Destroy, Search and Rescue and Blitz.

Shorten countdown timer for Clan v Clan playlist.

Extinction alien balance adjustments.


New Features

PLAYLIST UPDATE: Gun Game replacing Heavy Duty.


PLAYLIST UPDATE: Add eSports Rules to Clan v Clan (except friendly fire), and 1-4 persons can join.

Added Heavy Duty health options to Private Match.

IED damage adjustment based on player stance and IED location (for damage reduction: jump over IEDs below you, go prone for overhead IEDs).

Added Operation progress bar to the After Action Report that pops up after MP matches.

New MP lobby menu music.

Social feed addition.

New stick layout options for Southpaw.

Disable party chat in Search and Rescue, Search and Destroy and Infected.

Added 5 new Prestige Ranks to Extinction.

Customization for player appearances (Create a Soldier) added to Extinction.



Fixed Sniper animation issue that could break the viewmodel.

Load time improvements for Flooded, Strikezone, Warhawk.

Fixed a couple bots related performance issues.

Fixed loss of functionality issue that would occur when two crates were stacked if player attempted to capture bottom crate.

In Private match, disable “Start Match” if party members are missing selected map.

Fixed rare case of incorrect bot display amount in Private match.

Various spawn improvements.



Prevent players from using more loadouts than normal.

Block users from sharing camos and reticles that aren’t previously unlocked.

Anti-cheat prevention improvements.


Weapon / Perk Balance

Dead Silence/Amplify Adjustment - Dead Silence completely silent including equipment, sliding, and footsteps. Amplify users can still hear a scaled down version of the footsteps and sliding sounds.

Slight AK12 Increase on view kick.

Adjusted reload times on L115 and USR.

Reduce burst fire cool down of MSBS.



Removed stalls caused by the host changing loadout in eSports games.

Silent plant, silent defuse in Search and Destroy.

Added killstreak count to eSports scoreboard.

Improvements to MLG Broadcast mode for highlighted players.

Added Domination flag capture bar to Broadcast mode.

Added R3 to toggle enemy player outlines in Broadcast mode.

Prevent eSports players (except COD Caster) from switching to 3rd Person Spectate cam.

Added ability to select players when mini-map is enlarged in eSports.

Fixed FOV issue that occurred in Broadcast mode.

Fixed functionality issue that occurred if both thumbsticks were pressed while spectating a mantling player.

Fixed issue which kept eSports rules enabled after losing internet connection.

Add notification when spectated player gets a kill in Broadcast mode.

Fixed text overlap bug that occurred when mini-map was enlarged.

Better team identification in the MLG hud.

Fixed killfeed color bug that occurred for spectators.

Prevent crashes when COD Caster changed teams quickly.

Restrict Ghillie Suits when eSports rules enabled (replaces with different game models).

Fixed a Broadcaster Mode bug where the preset camera indicator wasn't getting reset between rounds.

Add a kill feed to Broadcaster mode.

Added team names to in-game scoreboard for Broadcast mode.

Restrict Tracker Sights in eSports rules.

Restrict Danger Close in eSports rules.

Additional Broadcast mode fixes (better team identification in the HUD, simplified Scoreboard toggle, etc).

Additional eSports fixes.


Additional Fixes

Fixed a couple resizing issues that would occur when switching to windowed mode.

Fixed sound issue in the mixing code.

Fix for shadow flicker on ATI crossfire setups.

Fixed Single Player crash when switching SSAO on in-game.

Fixed friends list sorting issue.

PC fix for submitting a blank password when trying to join a protected private match.

Fixed issue where friends button was unclickable while viewing operations.

Fixed video options to properly save settings that don’t require video restart.

Fixed issue that occurred when selecting “Play as Squad member” with mouse click.

Updated text in option menus to better reflect "mute all" option.

Fixed prone accuracy exploit.

Adjusted difficulty of slide based operations.

Reduced lean, point blank & rescue reticle challenge requirements.

Search and Destroy bomb plant and defuse timers no longer wait for the weapon swap before starting.

Fixed matchmaking issue in Squads.

Display new icon in Operations when re-rolling Operations.

Fixed rare cases of losing Sentry Gun killstreak when killed while placing.

Menu fix for Operations.

Fixed bug that would show improper time value in match countdown timer.

Maniac, Juggernaut Recon and the Michael Myers are invisible to tracker and thermal sights.

Fixing bug where the playercards in Squad Reports were only updated if you went into the friends list or squad mode first.

Defaults loadouts correctly reflect the actual loadout in Private match.

Free For All scoreboard adjustment.

Fixed Trinity Rocket cancellation issue.

MP Lobby improvement for Character Display.

Combat Knife stats accuracy improvement.

Fixed friends list shuffle that would occur for clans that had members across platforms.

Killcam no longer goes underground on Warhawk.

Improved audio ambient system in Multiplayer.

Fixed Squads issue that would change mode icon when playing with a split screen guest.

Fixed core playlist selection reset issue.

Private match loadout bug fix.

Additional customization options added for Infected in Private match.

Improvements to Infected game mode.

Optimization to generic UI elements.

Fixed issue that could occur when squad member had specialist set as streak reward.

Fixed minor VFX issue.

Fixed under water killstreak exploit.

Increased XP earned from completed Operations.

Fixed issue that occurred when leader would leave clan.

Fixed Bromance Clan Op issue.

Fixed viewmodel loss issue in Safeguard.

Fixed rare challenges issue in Safeguard.



Fixed issue where some achievements could not be earned when moving from current generation to next generation platforms.

Optimized some FX to improve game stability and performance.

Fixed Trinity rocket issue where black/white overlay would remain on screen.

Fixed Trinity rocket issue where laptop could not be put away.

Improvements to the "Leper" challenge so that it appears closer to players.

Added "COD Account" selection to the Extinction menu to improve account linking for Extinction players.

Fixed bug where the "Death Machine" could obtain specialty ammunition.

Fixed issue where players defaulted to pistol after revival.

Fixed issue with accepting invites from custom Extinction matches where players would lose menu focus.

Fixed issue where double XP was not resetting when going into solo, custom or split screen lobbies.

Added a double XP icon to the Extinction lobby for when double XP is active.

Fixed trophy issues where players could not plant any more trophies even though it had not been depleted after throwing a hypno-knife.

Fixed issue where Feral Instincts would not default back to normal view after it depleted.

Added the rank and icon to the Extinction end game scoreboard.

Fixed issue where challenge timer would not appear when joining a game while a challenge is active.

Fixed issue where Relic bonus was not appearing in the end game scoreboard.

Balancing tweaks to the Sentry Gun and Death Machine abilities.

Added ranks to the in game splash  notification message when a player ranks up.

Added player Patches to splash notifications for deployment items.

The Riotshield icon now tracks ammo while the shield is stowed.

Fixed issue where players would have no weapon on ladders.

Fixed issue where players would lose their weapon after getting off a ladder.


Dodatkowo dla poszczególnych platform:



Fixed a couple resizing issues that would occur when switching to windowed mode.

Fixed sound issue in the mixing code.

Fix for shadow flicker on ATI crossfire setups.

Fixed Single Player crash when switching SSAO on in-game.

Fixed friends list sorting issue.

PC fix for submitting a blank password when trying to join a protected private match.

Fixed issue where friends button was unclickable while viewing operations.

Fixed video options to properly save settings that don’t require video restart.

Fixed issue that occurred when selecting “Play as Squad member” with mouse click.

Updated text in option menus to better reflect "mute all" option.

Fixed prone accuracy exploit.



Fixed in-game store price to show money instead of Microsoft Points.

Fix for potential functionality loss when split screen guest signed out.



Kinect voice handling improvements.

Fixed an issue where long names could get cut-off in certain UI elements.

Fix for potential functionality loss when split screen guest signed out.





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Dzięki za info, trochę przegięcie.

Edytowane przez Solid_POL

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Dzięki za info, trochę przegięcie.

Przecież wszystkie DLC do CoDów miały miesięczny okres wyłączności dla Xboxa - nic nowego.

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Najpierw muszą przetestować na xklocku żeby potem dać porządnie dopracowane na PS4 :)

Xbox One jest dlatego droższy bo za błędy trzeba płacić ;) a tak poza tym orientuje się ktoś czy seson pass można dzielić na dwie konsole tak jak to było w przypadku PS3? ;)

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Widzisz, ciężkie życie posiadaczy PS3/PS4 :D

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Na oficjalnej stronie coda pisało że 29 znowu w ciula nas robią no chyba że dziś coś będzie .

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No wreszcie udało mi się zrobić straż (20) bez problemu :)

teraz zobaczymy tryb wyginięcie :) może jakoś to przemęczę i uda się zrobić te głupie pucharki

Z 81% w trofeach zrobiło mi się 69% z DLC :P

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Niech zrobią patch na tych kamperów! Dzisiaj grałem przeciwko 4 z Polski. Każdy siedział w jakimś kącie i ze snajperką... Porażka. Hardcore TDM, oczywiście mecz skończył sie po upływie czasu. Niestety żaden patch nie "naprawi" graczy.

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Oj, nie tylko Polacy kampią - ale faktycznie, to jakaś plaga. Biegnie człowiek przez mapę a tu cicho i pusto, bo wszyscy grzeją zadek i czekają na fragi ;)

Jakiejść specjalnej różnicy po patchu nie widzę...

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Pytanie moze z innej bajki odszedlem z klanu na cod elite a w grze nadal jestem co jest nie tak ?

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Ktoś coś wie o nowym patchu który ponoć został wydany wczoraj tj. 4.03 a dzis piąty a patcha nadal nie ma

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Wczoraj też została udostępniona dla wszystkich mapa Free Fall i to może to jest ten patch co wyszedł wczoraj. Jak ktoś pobrał wcześniej to już nie pobierze.

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CoD: Ghosts - Zawartość patcha z 04-03-2014

W dniu 4 marca do CoD: Ghosts zostal wydany patch na wszystkie platformy. W rozwinięciu spis wprowadzonych zmian.

Full patch notes:

New Features

Allow Free Fall to be available for everyone.

All challenges are now active operations at once.

Main Menu layout update.

Update to Gold Camo tracking. Now shows how many camos left to unlock Gold.

Added Hunted Free For All leaderboard.

Added Weapon Operations to the Operations menu.


Removed tracker sight exploit on Warhawk.


Prevents players from inappropriately modifying ‘kick’ messages.

Anti-cheat tool updates.


Made changes to Clan v Clan: Remove bomb timer sounds, and restrict Ghillie suit use.

Fix for not allowing people in an eSports system link game from viewing third person.

Fixes issue where CODCaster icon was erroneously showing up for remote players on a private match client machine.

Fixed issue that could cause a user to get booted for repeatedly changing classes during match.

Fixed issue where preset camera buttons were not working while the fullscreen map is up.

Additional Fixes

Fix to destroy planted explosives if they are placed on top of a care package and then care package is claimed before explosive.

Fix for players that switch teams to see correct colored notifications when their allies use kill streaks.

Fix KD history not updating in team matches that expire on time.

Fixed the title only displaying the first two characters of the user’s gamertag in a Private Match lobby when that user does not have the same map packs as host.

Fixed weapon information in Player Card to allow proper weapons to be seen in clan details.

Fixed minor graphical bug related to UI rendering.

Various bug fixes regarding non-active controllers following invites.

Fixed a thermal sight issues that could allow the user to skip the raise animation.

Fix for player “Time Played” category overlapping text.

Fixing issues where guest accounts can open the leaderboards menu.

Fixed an issue where the challenge “Sponge III” was not tracking as expected.

Fixed an issue where the XP points popup showed for kills in killcams.

Fixed issue where monthly/all time filters didn’t work for the squads leaderboards.

Fixed rare instance where player is unable to call out a killstreak or care package after earning.

Added the ability to retain intel challenges for an extra life using Resilience.


Casual mode added to Local and Solo matches – limited achievements available and no leaderboard posting.

Hardcore Mode added to Local, Solo, and Custom Matches for Point of Contact and Nightfall.

Numerous fixes to Nightfall.

Reduced the radius for Explosive Ammo.

Fixed a cash exploit while dropping money.

Fixed a bad location on Nightfall for one of the Stay in the Marked Area challenges.

Nightfall now properly tracks “Mission’s Completed” on the Player Card.

Point of Contact and Nightfall Leaderboards now both properly track Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze. The columns were reversed in previous TUs.

PC Specific Update

In addition to the Title Update.

P2P auth improvements.

Fix for false positive VAC ban message when Steam servers are non-responsive or if the user’s VAC status cannot be determined.

Xbox One Specific Update

In addition to the Title Update.

Added LAN support.

Kinect voice command fix for selecting game modes.

Fixed incorrect messaging that could occur for local parties.

Xbox 360 Specific Update

In addition to the Title Update.

Console bans now display an error message at login.

Fixed issue where game host wouldn’t receive an error message after not disabling party chat.

Wii U Specific Update


Free Fall multiplayer map is now available and added to various playlists


Fixed an issue where the Squad Reports Screen would occasionally hang on a black screen.

Fix for a rare bots crash.

Improved operations functionality.

Additional Fixes

Fix for broken operations – playing a ranked game will restore operations

Fixed an issue where throwing a tactical grenade could cause the player to switch weapons

Fixed a Lobby Migration issue that would force the Create a Soldier screen to close

Fix to keep the Grenade Cook Timer from becoming difficult to see

Fixed an inconsistency in the presentation of profile names when switching controllers

Fixed an issue that could occur at the start of a Safeguard match where the friends list would become inaccessible

Fixed an issue where the scoreboard on the Wii U GamePad would not automatically re-open after changing Loadouts

Fix for Leaderboards no longer updating properly after a disc eject

Fixed a stuck spot that could be entered while crouching near an overturned table (Siege)

Fixed issue that would occur when having hardline as last perk with specialist.

Added no enemy callouts to incog perk description.

Fixed an issue where connecting to a Squads game could potentially see the buttons/title for an incorrect Squad mode.

Fixed incorrect indexing of perks with squads that had defined loadouts.

Fixed splitscreen UI bug where the dom capture bar would be in the way of the reticle.

Fix to validate reticle type even when switching sights.

Fix for sound issue when seeker explodes.

Fix for final escape being broken by player jumping off cliff after nuke activation.

Fix for drill disappearing when grabbing the drill after using SOFLAM.

Fixed unlimited weapon glitch in first contact.

Various additional fixes

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