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Call Of Duty: Black Ops 2

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Ktoś z forum Acti opublikował wypowiedź gościa z pomocy technicznej Treyarch, dotyczącą nadchodzącej fali banów:

Thanks for contacting Activision on this matter. We are trying to get the word out, accounts that use hacks will be banned. These bans are not like boosting bans, where the player is reset and allowed back in a few days later. Any ban imposed fro hacking or modding the console, account, or the player stats will result in that console being black-listed from the server, and any accounts used in the exploit being reset and banned.

We take this very seriously. While I am not at liberty to discuss the exact number of bans, I can say there have already been a lot, and there are many more coming. The trouble is, players believe they are getting away with it. They never hear from banned players again in-game. They simply disappear, so there is no one saying "yeah they will catch you". This has lead to many people assuming it's ok to do. Of course we can see all accounts that are 11 and 12 prestige. Since there is no way to achieve those levels without cheating, those players are already all (100% of them) known and are slated to be removed from the game.

Actions are being taken to address the underlying exploit as well. However, since all updates must be approved by the console manufacturers, and some exploits make use of security holes outside of the game entirely, addressing these issues can take some time. The best method for resolving this is simply to remove the cheaters.

As this regards security issues in the game, I am limited in what I can tell you. However, I can say this: There will be a large "clean-up" of leaderboards and cheater accounts very soon. There are updates and server-end hotfixes to address these issues that are now simply awaiting a deployment date through the respective game networks. Finally there are some other changes, the details of which are undisclosed even to me, which are designed to make detection of cheaters and verification of reports much more efficient. Those changes are rolling out to the moderators very soon, and are intended to double the number of reports they can process in a day.

Cheating is a top priority issue. Thanks for the report, and please let us know if you encounter any other players cheating. The in-game reporting, while a bit slower some times, does provide the guys at Treyach a more accurate picture of what is happening. It appends the game footage to the report automatically making it easier to verify, and allows them to statistically track the types of cheats people are using more accurately. For the causal report, please use that, as it helps us determine the focus of upcoming patches, rules, etc. But if you have any questions or concerns on this issue, you are of course welcome to contact us through Support. I will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

In the meantime, please avoid any contact with the players you reported.

Thanks for your patience with this, and for the report.

Edytowane przez Numinex
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Hehe, obczajcie jak koleś ich troluje :banana: a oni są całkiem głupi :rofl:

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No i o to chodzi!

Ktoś z forum Acti opublikował wypowiedź gościa z pomocy technicznej Treyarch, dotyczącą nadchodzącej fali banów:

Thanks for contacting Activision on this matter. We are trying to get the word out, accounts that use hacks will be banned. These bans are not like boosting bans, where the player is reset and allowed back in a few days later. Any ban imposed fro hacking or modding the console, account, or the player stats will result in that console being black-listed from the server, and any accounts used in the exploit being reset and banned.

We take this very seriously. While I am not at liberty to discuss the exact number of bans, I can say there have already been a lot, and there are many more coming. The trouble is, players believe they are getting away with it. They never hear from banned players again in-game. They simply disappear, so there is no one saying "yeah they will catch you". This has lead to many people assuming it's ok to do. Of course we can see all accounts that are 11 and 12 prestige. Since there is no way to achieve those levels without cheating, those players are already all (100% of them) known and are slated to be removed from the game.

Actions are being taken to address the underlying exploit as well. However, since all updates must be approved by the console manufacturers, and some exploits make use of security holes outside of the game entirely, addressing these issues can take some time. The best method for resolving this is simply to remove the cheaters.

As this regards security issues in the game, I am limited in what I can tell you. However, I can say this: There will be a large "clean-up" of leaderboards and cheater accounts very soon. There are updates and server-end hotfixes to address these issues that are now simply awaiting a deployment date through the respective game networks. Finally there are some other changes, the details of which are undisclosed even to me, which are designed to make detection of cheaters and verification of reports much more efficient. Those changes are rolling out to the moderators very soon, and are intended to double the number of reports they can process in a day.

Cheating is a top priority issue. Thanks for the report, and please let us know if you encounter any other players cheating. The in-game reporting, while a bit slower some times, does provide the guys at Treyach a more accurate picture of what is happening. It appends the game footage to the report automatically making it easier to verify, and allows them to statistically track the types of cheats people are using more accurately. For the causal report, please use that, as it helps us determine the focus of upcoming patches, rules, etc. But if you have any questions or concerns on this issue, you are of course welcome to contact us through Support. I will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

In the meantime, please avoid any contact with the players you reported.

Thanks for your patience with this, and for the report.

Ktoś z forum Acti opublikował wypowiedź gościa z pomocy technicznej Treyarch, dotyczącą nadchodzącej fali banów:

Thanks for contacting Activision on this matter. We are trying to get the word out, accounts that use hacks will be banned. These bans are not like boosting bans, where the player is reset and allowed back in a few days later. Any ban imposed fro hacking or modding the console, account, or the player stats will result in that console being black-listed from the server, and any accounts used in the exploit being reset and banned.

We take this very seriously. While I am not at liberty to discuss the exact number of bans, I can say there have already been a lot, and there are many more coming. The trouble is, players believe they are getting away with it. They never hear from banned players again in-game. They simply disappear, so there is no one saying "yeah they will catch you". This has lead to many people assuming it's ok to do. Of course we can see all accounts that are 11 and 12 prestige. Since there is no way to achieve those levels without cheating, those players are already all (100% of them) known and are slated to be removed from the game.

Actions are being taken to address the underlying exploit as well. However, since all updates must be approved by the console manufacturers, and some exploits make use of security holes outside of the game entirely, addressing these issues can take some time. The best method for resolving this is simply to remove the cheaters.

As this regards security issues in the game, I am limited in what I can tell you. However, I can say this: There will be a large "clean-up" of leaderboards and cheater accounts very soon. There are updates and server-end hotfixes to address these issues that are now simply awaiting a deployment date through the respective game networks. Finally there are some other changes, the details of which are undisclosed even to me, which are designed to make detection of cheaters and verification of reports much more efficient. Those changes are rolling out to the moderators very soon, and are intended to double the number of reports they can process in a day.

Cheating is a top priority issue. Thanks for the report, and please let us know if you encounter any other players cheating. The in-game reporting, while a bit slower some times, does provide the guys at Treyach a more accurate picture of what is happening. It appends the game footage to the report automatically making it easier to verify, and allows them to statistically track the types of cheats people are using more accurately. For the causal report, please use that, as it helps us determine the focus of upcoming patches, rules, etc. But if you have any questions or concerns on this issue, you are of course welcome to contact us through Support. I will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

In the meantime, please avoid any contact with the players you reported.

Thanks for your patience with this, and for the report.

No i brawo!

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Hehe, obczajcie jak koleś ich troluje :banana: a oni są całkiem głupi :rofl:

Haha dzięki za link, obczaiłem parę innych jego filmików, niezły trolling :rofl:

To jest też niezłe. W jakimś innym było że wchodził na swoim głównym koncie do lobby (nick taki sam jak na YT). Oczywiście dzieciaki zaczęły pytać czy to on, no i jeden dzieciak jak się dowiedział że to naprawdę on zaczął drzeć mordę coś w stylu:

"Holy shit ! Mom get the fucking camera !!" :biggrin:

Edytowane przez Scooby-Doo

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Może ktoś przetłumaczy ;)

Będą trwale banować hackerów - w przeciwieństwie do boosterów, którym jedynie resetują statsy. Twierdzą, że legalne osiągnięcie 11 i 12 lvl prestiżu jest niemożliwe, więc i ich posiadacze również pójdą pod nóż.

No i w sumie tyle, szykują się kolejne hotfixy, modzi ciągle sprawdzają zgłoszenia, ale wszystko będzie trwało.

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Będą trwale banować hackerów - w przeciwieństwie do boosterów, którym jedynie resetują statsy. Twierdzą, że legalne osiągnięcie 11 i 12 lvl prestiżu jest niemożliwe, więc i ich posiadacze również pójdą pod nóż.

No i w sumie tyle, szykują się kolejne hotfixy, modzi ciągle sprawdzają zgłoszenia, ale wszystko będzie trwało.

Legalne osiągnięcie prestiżu 11-12 jes, tylko nie w tak krótkim czasie od premiery, no i nie na taką skalę.

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Ja tylko cytuję ;)

Of course we can see all accounts that are 11 and 12 prestige. Since there is no way to achieve those levels without cheating, those players are already all (100% of them) known and are slated to be removed from the game.

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10 jest możliwy bo mój znajomy ma taki i przegrane ponad 10dni

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Ale tam jest napisane o 11 i 12, nie wiem jak z nimi sprawa wygląda.

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Jeśli ktoś chce pograć razem na bitwie lądowej to zapraszam, PSNid: DDSSTINY17

Może uzbieramy jakąś fajną grupkę ogarniętych ludzi, wymagam jedynie k:d 1,00~.

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Chciałbym założyć temat dotyczący małych easter egów ukrytych na mapach do multi. Ktoś chciałby uczestniczyć, jako przykład podaje na mapie Standoff jest karteczka z napisem "zombies are coming"

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czy da sie grac we 4 w zombie (split screen)?


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Witam. Mam Black Ops'a 2 na PS3 i NAT: Średni. Moje pytanie: jakie porty dodać do liveboxa żeby otworzyć NAT. Znalazłem różne strony, filmy ale nie działa - NAT ciągle średni. Proszę os prawdzone porty. Dzięki, pozdrawiam.

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Witam. Mam Black Ops'a 2 na PS3 i NAT: Średni. Moje pytanie: jakie porty dodać do liveboxa żeby otworzyć NAT. Znalazłem różne strony, filmy ale nie działa - NAT ciągle średni. Proszę os prawdzone porty. Dzięki, pozdrawiam.

Zalezy jakiego livebox'a masz. Jesli druga wersje (pierwsza wyglada jak ksiazka i swieci) to nie musisz odblokowywac portow. Musisz ustawic konsoli statyczne IP i zalaczyc to IP do strefy DMZ na liveboxie. Ja tak zrobilem i w cod'zie mam Nat otwarty, ale nie widze roznicy tak szczerze... W pierwszej wersji livebox'a nie mozna ustawic strefy DMZ takze nie wiem czy otwarcie danych portow cos da.

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A tu oficjalna zapowiedź i fragmenty mapek:

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Zalezy jakiego livebox'a masz. Jesli druga wersje (pierwsza wyglada jak ksiazka i swieci) to nie musisz odblokowywac portow. Musisz ustawic konsoli statyczne IP i zalaczyc to IP do strefy DMZ na liveboxie. Ja tak zrobilem i w cod'zie mam Nat otwarty, ale nie widze roznicy tak szczerze... W pierwszej wersji livebox'a nie mozna ustawic strefy DMZ takze nie wiem czy otwarcie danych portow cos da.

Mam liveboxa tego (książka i świeci). Mam cały czas 3 kreski w BO2, rzadko kiedy cztery zielone. Nie wiem czy to wina NATu. Połączenie bezprzewodowo (wifi). Czy zmieni coś jeśli połączę kablem?

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Podoba mi się ten dodatek. Ciekawe, czy mapka Grind będzie podobna do poziomu z THPS2, bo po zajawce widać, że z prawdziwym odpowiednikiem nie będzie mieć nic wspólnego. Ciekawe dynamic eventy na mapach, Hydro troszkę kojarzy się z Meltdown, ale te ułamki sekund to za mało żeby coś powiedzieć. Pamiętam, jak Naughty Dog zapowiadało kiedyś mapę do Uncharted 3 z wodnym eventem, ale jakoś nie wyszło. Patent na poziom do zombie też interesujący. Tylko ten karabin mnie niepokoi, wprowadzanie czegoś takiego w DLC to ryzykowny zabieg w Call of Duty, kiedy ciągle kłótnie w sieci o balans broni się odbywają. Zaraz będzie, że Peacemaker jest OP albo że mega crap i trzeba dać buffa, albo że omg, kolejny smg i dlaczego nie strzelba. Jakby nie było, kupuję to.

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Mam liveboxa tego (książka i świeci). Mam cały czas 3 kreski w BO2, rzadko kiedy cztery zielone. Nie wiem czy to wina NATu. Połączenie bezprzewodowo (wifi). Czy zmieni coś jeśli połączę kablem?

Neostrada nie blokuje żadnych portów (nic nie musisz otwierać) z twoim netem wszystko jest OK. NAT: Otwarte wyświetla gdy konsola jest wystawiona jako DMZ ale na ping ci to nie wpłynie, za to fakt iż grasz przez wi-fi może poważnie osłabiać jakość połączenia. Radzę podłączyć przez kabel i szukać gier z ustawieniem na "najlepsze" powinny być 4 krechy ale lag compensation nie zniknie a pewnie to ci się daje we znaki :)

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Nie zawsze gra się komfortowo mimo 4 kresek, jest to najgorsza część coda pod względem optymalizacji, nie mogli by dać tych serwerów i online i wszystko git wtedy jak chcemy grac na mapach z dodatku to nie musimy szukać dużo

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LoL Będzie można grać jako zombie mapki też fajne szkoda że multi nie daje rady ;( ale może kupie dla samego zombie ;)

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